Friday, 29 April 2011


Florence – Update 3

No more overnight train trips for me.  The trip from Paris was up close and personal – the four of us in one compartment.  The train was an hour and a half late leaving Paris.  The trip was very bumpy; I think we were over the wheels.  We didn’t get much sleep but Janelle said that we must have because between Kent, Phil and I snoring, she didn’t get any sleep.

We arrived in Florence around 8.30 am. Found McDonalds across from the station and had breakfast there.  We couldn’t check into the apartment until 11.30 am so Phil and Kent minded the luggage while Janelle and I went exploring.   Our apartment is even better than it looked on the internet. The main bedroom has friezes from the 16th century.

Main bedroom with 16th century Frieze

The owner, Lorenzo, met us with a very warm welcome and showed us to our second floor apartment.  Waiting for us was champagne, fresh fruit and Italian biscuits. It was so lovely.

Lorenzo with our champagne, furit & biscuits

 We would recommend this apartment to anyone travelling to Florence and the location is perfect, right next to the leather and food markets.

Paris has always been my favourite city, but now I am swaying (and not from the Vino).  Florence is amazing and so compact.  You can walk everywhere.  The shops are very elegant and the leather goods superb.  Yesterday we did a three hour walking tour. Our guide was fantastic and very passionate about the history of Florence, which made our tour so much more interesting. 

Ponte Veccio

Marilyn on the Pone Veccio

We visited the Duomo and Campanile (Santa Maria del Fiore). Janelle and Kent were climbing the 463 steps this morning, Michelangelo’s David in the Galleria dell’ Accademia. What an amazing statue this is.  We also visited a number of other churches, Pont Vecchio, Santa Maria Novella and the piazza. We finished off with some fabulous Italian ice cream.

Ice cream at Le Parigane

In the morning we head off to Venice on the train to board the ship for our 12 day cruise. We have two days in Venice before we sail.
So until next update, Ciao.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Paris continue - Update 2

Paris continued
Saturday – Canal du Martin
This magnificent canal was originally used to transport goods and produce to Paris, it is now a major tourist attraction and meanders through some of the most historic parts of old Paris.  It was a perfect day to relax on our canal boat and watch Paris at play.  Lovers strolled along the banks of the canal, bike riders, joggers, weaved their way through the crowds.   Happy family groups picnicked in the beautiful parks. 

Sunday at Bastille Markets
On a beautiful sunny morning we set off to explore the Bastille Markets.  These are the best markets in Paris.  A mouth-watering array of food assails our senses, and the yells of the merchants adds to the carnival like atmosphere.  What a choice of food; fish and shellfish from Brittany and Normandy, hundreds of cheeses - and I mean cheeses - the freshest of fruit and vegetables, which has real flavour.  Back onto the Metro, after the obligatory wine, or two and to our apartment with bag fulls of strawberries, raspberries, olives, cheese and baguettes.  Should last us at least four months.
Phil with strawberries from the markets

Bastille Markets

Monet’s Gardens
Another beautiful sunny day in Paris.  We set off early on the train to Vernon and then connected by bus to Giverny to visit Monet’s Gardens.  The tulips were so beautiful – such an array of colours.  With the warmer weather Paris is currently experiencing, the flowers seem to be flourishing.  Flowers were in full bloom; pansies, tulips, iris and so much more.  Janelle and Kent bought two paintings by a local artist who has a gallery at the gardens.  One was of the water lilies which he had painted in July last year and the other was a scene on the river that runs through Giverny.  They had them shipped back.

We left Paris on Easter Sunday to come up to Amiens for the Anzac Day service.
We were invited to a Veterans Affairs reception on Sunday evening. The Australian Ambassador Kevin Rudd was there along with other dignitaries.  Got to meet Kevie and have our photo taken with him. It was a great evening with plenty of refreshments.
Anzac morning was a clear but cold crisp morning.  The bus collected us at 4.30am for the drive to Villers Bretennoux.  Over 4000 people at a most moving ceremony.  We were lucky enough to get seats right up the front.  The dawn broke and the crisp breeze got colder.  After the service we toured a number of memorials and cemeteries which was also very moving.  The day turned out warm and fine after such a cold morning.  The evening was spent at a great little restaurant on the Amines canal with a group of Australians.

Today back to Paris then the overnight train to Florence. 
Au revoir for now.

Friday, 15 April 2011


Blog update 15 April 2011

Brisbane airport

After an overnight stopover in Singapore here we are in the city of light and love J Paris.

Singapore was humid as usual but a good rest before our long flight.  We didn’t get a lot of sleep from Singapore to Paris.  It was quite a rough trip for the first few hours; a lot of turbulence and lightening.  There was a guy sitting next to me who snored all the way.  Had the seat belt sign been off, I would have strangled him;  he was lucky to live another day.  Weather on arrival in Paris was cool – 5 degrees at 7.15 am.

Caught the RER train into Paris, then a 10 minute walk to our apartment.

Phil in our apartment street

Wandered our market street, the usual beautiful array of fresh produce, pastries, which the French do so well.  Stocked up on supplies and then back to the apartment and crashed for the afternoon.  Went walking around 7pm, found our favourite bar and toasted our arrival in Paris.  Dinner in the apartment (cheese, baguette, olives all washed down with a 2008 Bordeaux!

We both had a good night’s sleep and are now ready to explore our neighbourhood.

Until next update – Au revoir.