Friday, 15 April 2011


Blog update 15 April 2011

Brisbane airport

After an overnight stopover in Singapore here we are in the city of light and love J Paris.

Singapore was humid as usual but a good rest before our long flight.  We didn’t get a lot of sleep from Singapore to Paris.  It was quite a rough trip for the first few hours; a lot of turbulence and lightening.  There was a guy sitting next to me who snored all the way.  Had the seat belt sign been off, I would have strangled him;  he was lucky to live another day.  Weather on arrival in Paris was cool – 5 degrees at 7.15 am.

Caught the RER train into Paris, then a 10 minute walk to our apartment.

Phil in our apartment street

Wandered our market street, the usual beautiful array of fresh produce, pastries, which the French do so well.  Stocked up on supplies and then back to the apartment and crashed for the afternoon.  Went walking around 7pm, found our favourite bar and toasted our arrival in Paris.  Dinner in the apartment (cheese, baguette, olives all washed down with a 2008 Bordeaux!

We both had a good night’s sleep and are now ready to explore our neighbourhood.

Until next update – Au revoir.

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