Sunday, 3 July 2011

Schleswig, Germany – 21-28 June

It was a short walk from the bus station to Aahus railway station and the Danish Rail first class lounge before departing for Schleswig. 

Waiting to catch the bus for the start of our journey to Germany

There were two train changes, the last one being a rush between platforms with about two minutes to spare.  We crossed the German border about three hours later and it was another 30 minutes to Schleswig, where we were met by Sabine and Terry at 2.30pm.  It was great to see them  after three years since our last trip to Germany.
Schleswig is a beautiful area on the northern German coast, not far from Kiel.  Sabine and Terry welcomed us to their home in the village of Selk, about 5 km from Schleswig, with a bottle of German bubbly followed by a stroll around their magnificent garden.  What a beautiful location.
The Rose Garden

The perfect spot for breakfast

Part of the beautiful garden - view from kitchen window

Sabine and Terry’s house overlooks a glorious lake and is surrounded by pine forest and well-tended pastures.  This area of Germany has a distinct Danish flavour as it was once part of Denmark and many Viking remnants are still evident particularly around the lake area.
The Lake with Schleswig Cathedral in the background

Our seven days in Selk was a great relax after our busy time to date.  Sabine and Terry’s garden is a wonderful mix of informal cottage and vegetable gardens together with little nooks, formal and informal to soak up the sun.  Bird song would serenade during the day, including the elusive cuckoo bird.  Sabine and I would visit the greenhouse in the late afternoon and pick fresh beans for the evening meal.

Sabine's beans

Again, Sabine spoilt us with her cooking and we spent happy evenings soaking up the hospitality and, of course, the occasional wine or two.  With the late twilight, it was still light around 11.00p so, we enjoyed the late night conversations and a morning sleep in.
We very much enjoyed checking out the prices in the local supermarkets and shops.  Prices were very cheap in Germany and Phil’s eyes lit up at the range and price of single malt scotch.  “Might as well give them away” he said.  Phil picked up a couple of pairs of Myer trousers for about 20 Euro, which were 90 pounds in the UK.
Between walks around the lake and through the local forests, Sabine and Terry took us to Eckernforde, a lovely seaside town where we had afternoon coffee in a traditional and very cosy coffee house, the Café Heldt.  We also had a beautiful meal in Schleswig at the Famileie Hahn restaurant.  It was a great menu with fresh fish a feature.  After a walk through the old town and a visit to the very beautiful cathedral where a recital of Mendelson’s Messiah was underway, we returned home.
Coffee in Eckernforde

Dinner in Schleswig

Schleswig Cathedral

Dusk with Schleswig Catherdal in the background (10 pm)

Dogs must read this
Our very restful few days came to an end much too soon and Terry and Sabine drove us to Hamburg airport for the flight to Vienna.  Terry and Sabine Auf wiedersehen and prost from Winnie the Pooh and Phil, it was “a craaaacker” staying with you.
Goodbye -  Hamburg Airport

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